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Version: 1.5.2

Build and Run

YuniKorn always works with a container orchestrator system. Currently, a Kubernetes shim (yunikorn-k8shim) is provided which provides a drop-in scheduler for the Kubernetes platform. This document describes how to setup and use a local development environment.

Dev Environment setup

Read the Dev Environment Setup guide first to setup Docker and Kubernetes development environment.

Build YuniKorn


  • Golang: check the .go_version file in the root of the repositories for the version Yunikorn requires. The minimum version can change per release branch. Using earlier Go versions will cause compilation issues.

You can build the scheduler for Kubernetes from the yunikorn-k8shim project. The build procedure will build all components into a single executable that can be deployed and running on Kubernetes.

Start the integrated build process by pulling the yunikorn-k8shim repository:

mkdir $HOME/yunikorn/
cd $HOME/yunikorn/
git clone

At this point you have an environment that will allow you to build an integrated image for the YuniKorn scheduler.

Build Docker images

Building the Docker images can be triggered by following command:

make image

This will generate images for the scheduler, scheduler plugin, and admission controller.

The images created can be deployed directly on Kubernetes. Some sample deployments that can be used are found under the deployments/scheduler directory of the yunikorn-k8shim repository. Alternatively, the Helm charts located within the helm-charts directory of the yunikorn-release repository may be used. These match what is used for release builds.

The configuration of YuniKorn can be customized via a ConfigMap as explained in the scheduler configuration deployment document.

The make image build command will first build the integrated executables and then create the docker images. If you want to use pre-built images based on an offical release, please check the Docker Hub repo.

The default image tags are not suitable for deployments to a private repository as these would attempt to push to Docker Hub without proper credentials. You must update the REGISTRY variable in the Makefile to push to an accessible repository. When you update the image tag be aware that the deployment examples given will also need to be updated to reflect the same change.

Inspect Docker images

The Docker images built from previous step have embedded some important build info in the image metadata. You can retrieve this information with docker inspect command:

docker inspect apache/yunikorn:scheduler-amd64-latest
docker inspect apache/yunikorn:scheduler-plugin-amd64-latest
docker inspect apache/yunikorn:admission-controller-amd64-latest

The amd64 tag is dependent on your host architecture (i.e. for Intel it would be amd64 and for Mac M1, it would be arm64).

This info includes git revisions (last commit SHA) for each component, to help you understand which version of the source code was shipped by this image. They are listed as docker image labels, such as

"Labels": {
"BuildTimeStamp": "2019-07-16T23:08:06+0800",
"Version": "0.1",
"yunikorn-core-revision": "dca66c7e5a9e",
"yunikorn-k8shim-revision": "bed60f720b28",
"yunikorn-scheduler-interface-revision": "3df392eded1f"


The dependencies in the projects are managed using go modules.

If you want to modify one of the projects locally and build with your local dependencies you will need to change the module file. Changing dependencies requires using go.mod replace directives as explained in the Update dependencies section.

The YuniKorn project has four code repositories:

Each of these dependencies is a Go module and there are dependencies between them. During the development cycle it can be required to break the dependency on the committed version from github. This requires making changes in the module file to allow loading a local copy or a forked copy from a different repository.

Additionally, there are two additional auxiliary repositories:

Affected repositories

The following dependencies exist between the repositories:

RepositoryDepends on
yunikorn-k8shimyunikorn-scheduler-interface, yunikorn-core

The yunikorn-web repository has no direct go dependency on the other repositories. However any change to the yunikorn-core web services can affect the web interface.

Making local changes

To make sure that the local changes will not break other parts of the build you should run:

  • A full build make (build target depends on the repository)

  • A full unit test run make test

  • For diagnosing flaky tests, which are challenging due to their infrequent failures, use a looping command to repeatedly run the test. For instance, to diagnose TestNoFillWithoutEventPluginRegistered in yunikorn-core/pkg/events/event_publisher_test.go, you can use the following command:

    I=0; while go test -run TestNoFillWithoutEventPluginRegistered ./pkg/... -count=1; do (( I=$I+1 )); echo "Completed loop: $I"; sleep 1; done

Any test failures should be fixed before proceeding.

Updating dependencies

The simplest way is to use the replace directive in the module file. The replace directive allows you to override the import path with a new (local) path. There is no need to change any of the imports in the source code. The change must be made in the go.mod file of the repository that has the dependency.

Using replace to use of a forked dependency, such as:

replace =>

There is no requirement to fork and create a new repository. If you do not have a repository you can use a local checked out copy too.

Using replace to use of a local directory as a dependency:

replace => /User/example/local/checked-out-yunikorn

For the same dependency using a relative path:

replace => ../checked-out-yunikorn

Note: if the replace directive is using a local filesystem path, then the target must have a go.mod file at that location.

Further details can be found on the Go Wiki: When should I use the 'replace' directive?

Build the Web UI

Example deployments reference the YuniKorn Web UI. The yunikorn-web project has specific requirements for the build. Follow the steps in the README to prepare a development environment and build the Web UI. However, the scheduler is fully functional without the Web UI.

Run YuniKorn locally

When you have a local development environment setup you can run the scheduler in your local Kubernetes environment. This has been tested in a desktop enviornment with Docker Desktop, Minikube, and Kind. See the Dev Environment Setup guide for further details.

To run a local instance of the scheduler:

make run

This will launch a local scheduler and connect to the Kubernetes cluster referenced in your KUBECONFIG or $HOME/.kube/config.

To run YuniKorn in Kubernetes scheduler plugin mode instead, execute:

make run_plugin

You can also use the same approach to run the scheduler locally but connecting to a remote kubernetes cluster, as long as the $HOME/.kube/config file is pointing to that remote cluster.

Run end-to-end tests

In addition to the unit tests for each project, YuniKorn contains many e2e (end-to-end) tests in the yunikorn-k8shim repository which validate functionaliy of the scheduler on a functioning Kubernetes cluster.

How to run the tests locally is described here.