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Tracking non-Yunikorn pods


Currently, we only know about pods in the scheduler core which have been scheduled by YuniKorn. Resource calculation which decides whether a pod fits a node or not depends on a field called occupiedResources. This is first calculated in the shim then sent to the core.

This is not ideal for a couple of reasons:

  1. Pod count is not maintained
  2. The state dump and UI only contain YuniKorn pods
  3. The occupied field is not relevant inside the shim, only in the core

If we have issues regarding available resources, it’s very difficult to figure out what happened. With adequate logging and proper pod tracking, troubleshooting is easier.

Proposed changes

K8s shim

High level overview

In the shim, we stop tracking the total amount of resources occupied by non-Yunikorn pods (aka. "occupied resources"). Instead, whenever a new foreign pod is allocated or deleted, we forward this information to the scheduler core. The allocations not scheduled by YuniKorn will be accounted for on the node but not as part of a queue or application. Allocations will be marked by the shim as scheduled by a different scheduler by adding a new entry to the AllocationTags map inside the si.Allocation type.

State initialization

Registering existing pods got significantly simpler after YUNIKORN-2180 and YUNIKORN-2779. NodeInfo.ExistingAllocations no longer exists.

No change is needed. Pods that are already assigned to a node are registered via the Context.AddPod() callback method. When YuniKorn is initializing the state, existing pods are seen as new ones. From the perspective of the shim, it doesn’t matter if it got created after the startup or it had already existed before.

Node updates

Current: we examine the old and new available resources based on the Node.NodeStatus.Allocatable field. If they are different, we update the scheduler cache with SchedulerCache.UpdateCapacity() and send the new value to the core.

Proposed change: we continue to send NodeInfo events, but we will stop using the OccupiedResource field.

Foreign pod node assignment

Current: the shim calculates the occupied resources for the given node. This happens in the Context.updateNodeOccupiedResources() method. First, the scheduler cache is updated with SchedulerCache.UpdateOccupiedResource(). Then we send the new available amount to the core with SchedulerAPI.UpdateNode() which also sends a NodeInfo event.

Proposed change: instead of tracking just the resources occupied by all pods not scheduled via YuniKorn on a node, send all pods to the core as allocations.

Foreign pod deletion

Current: same as the update case.

Proposed change: send an AllocationReleasesRequest (embedded in a AllocationRequest) to the core.

Preemption considerations

If we want to support preemption of foreign pods, we also have to know if it is a static pod. A static pod is managed directly by the kubelet and cannot be controlled from the API server. Therefore they cannot become preemption targets. The owner reference of a static pod is "Node". When an allocation is added, this has to be indicated explicitly in the SI object. The si.Allocation type has an AllocationTags map which stores metadata about the pod. In the helper function CreateTagsForTask(), the owner reference is checked if this is a static pod, then an appropriate entry to the tags is added.

Overview of code changes

  • Delete Context.updateNodeOccupiedResources()
  • Context.updateForeignPod() - remove reference to ctx.updateNodeOccupiedResources() and unify it with Context.updateYunikornPod()
  • Context.deleteForeignPod() - remove reference to ctx.updateNodeOccupiedResources() and unify it with Context.deleteYunikornPod()
  • Delete SchedulerCache.UpdateCapacity(), SchedulerCache.UpdateOccupiedResource() and the related fields: nodeOccupied, nodeCapacity
  • Context.updateNodeInternal() - remove call to schedulerCache.UpdateCapacity()

Scheduler interface

Node object

The following type is sent to the core when a node update occurs:

type NodeInfo struct {
NodeID string
Action NodeInfo_ActionFromRM
Attributes map[string]string
SchedulableResource *Resource
OccupiedResource *Resource

SchedulableResource represents the capacity of the node, while OccupiedResource tells how much is available for pods.

Proposal: remove the OccupiedResource field because it won’t be used anymore.

Event system

With the introduction of tracking all pods in the cluster, now we can generate events about each individual allocations. Events for YuniKorn pods already exist: APP_ALLOC application event and NODE_ALLOC node event. We won’t use the APP_ALLOC because we can’t tie the non-YuniKorn allocation to an existing application. Proposal: still generate NODE_OCCUPIED in the next release (Yunkorn 1.7), but announce the deprecation of this event. It will be removed in YuniKorn 1.8. We will also generate NODE_ALLOC for non-YuniKorn allocations, marking it foreign in the "message" field.

Event typeEvent IDStateWhen is it generated
NodeNODE_OCCUPIEDExisting - to be removed in 1.8Occupied resource changes on a node
NodeNODE_ALLOCAlready exists for YuniKorn allocationsAllocation (node assignment) occurs


One constans will be introduced as a key for application tags. All pods scheduled by a different scheduler than YuniKorn will have the tag foreign. Values for the foreign tag are:

  • static: indicates a static pod, hard skip for preemption
  • default: preemptable pod

Scheduler core

Scheduling context

Processing updates happens in ClusterContext.updateNode(). There is a branch for NodeInfo_UPDATE:

case si.NodeInfo_UPDATE:
if sr := nodeInfo.SchedulableResource; sr != nil {

if or := nodeInfo.OccupiedResource; or != nil {

Proposed changes: remove the path or != nil, because that field won’t be used.

Allocation object

The objects.Allocations type needs to be extended. The scheduler core needs to know if the allocation was scheduled by YuniKorn or not and if we want to support preemption, we have to mark allocations which represent static pods. These will be determined from the allocation tags explained in the K8s shim part.

Two flags (boolean) to be added to the objects.Allocations that can only be set on creation. The flags can be read but never modified.


After YUNIKORN-2457, adding foreign allocations became much simpler. Some minor changes inside PartitionContext.UpdateAllocation() are necessary to ignore the application lookup for foreign pods.

We might track foreign pods as part of an application in the future but that is out of scope of this change.

REST Interface

The way how allocations are counted gives the user more detailed information about the resource usage of all pods. Now we can show individual foreign allocations, not just a single counter.

In YuniKorn 1.7, the data in the REST output will not change. We can still calculate OccupiedResources information per node. We also announce that AllocatedResources is about to change, because the value will be based on all pods on the node.

From YuniKorn 1.8 onwards, we remove OccupiedResources and update the calculation of AllocatedResources.

To support easier integration with the web UI, a separate list will be maintained for the two types of allocations. Allocations made by YuniKorn are still available under allocations. Non-YuniKorn allocations will be listed under foreignAllocations.

The foreign allocation will have a separate, lightweight DAO object with the following information, following the existing AllocationDAOInfo:

  • allocation key (pod UID): AllocationKey
  • assigned node: NodeID
  • priority: Priority
  • resources: ResourcePerAlloc
  • creation time: RequestTime
  • tags: AllocationTags

The allocations will be available from two URLs:

  • /ws/v1/partition/<partition>/nodes
  • /ws/v1/fullstatedump

Web UI integration

There are no changes planned for the web UI as part of this design. The REST information for a node will not change and the web UI will keep working with the changes in place. When the REST API specification is finalised the node page in the web UI will need to be updated to allow the display of the new details.


Core side

Smoke tests with MockScheduler

Write a new test with the following steps:

  • Creates a new partition context
  • Registers a node
  • Send a SI request which represents a foreign allocation
  • Verify the following:
    • Node.OccupiedResources has changed
    • Node.AvailableResources has changed
    • Node.AllocatedResources is zero
    • Node object contains a new allocation
  • Remove the foreign allocation
  • Verify the following:
    • Node.OccupiedResources is zero
    • Node.AvailableResources is back to the original capacity
    • Node.AllocatedResources is zero
    • Node object does not contain any allocation

Unit tests

Changes are expected in the following methods - go for a 100% coverage wherever possible:

  • Context.processAllocations()
    • no notification is sent towards the shim if it is a foreign allocation
  • Partition.UpdateAllocation()
    • foreign / non-foreign allocation
  • NewAllocationFromSI()
    • new foreign allocation object where tag foreign = true and static = true/false
  • Node.addAllocationInternal()
  • Node.RemoveAllocation()

K8Shim side

Smoke tests with MockScheduler

Create a new test with the following steps:

  • Creates a new MockScheduler instance
  • Registers a node with some existing foreign allocations
  • Starts the mock scheduler
  • Verify that:
    • Existing allocations are properly registered to the node
    • Create a pod which with PodSpec.SchedulerName being empty -Send the pod to the mock scheduler and wait until it’s processed by the core
  • Verify that:
    • Node.OccupiedResources has changed
    • Node.AvailableResources has changed
    • Node.AllocatedResources is zero
    • Node object contains a new allocation
  • Remove the pod from the mock scheduler
  • Verify that:
    • Node.OccupiedResources is zero
    • Node.AvailableResources is back to the original capacity
    • Node.AllocatedResources is zero
    • Node object does not contain any allocation

Unit tests

Changes are expected in the following methods - go for a 100% coverage wherever possible:

  • Context.updateForeignPod() and Context.updateYunikornPod()
    • These will be merged, make sure new method has coverage for both YuniKorn and foreign pods
  • CreateTagsForTask()
    • Determining whether pod is static or not
  • Context.deleteForeignPod() and Context.deleteYunikornPod()
    • These will be merged, make sure new method has coverage for both YuniKorn and foreign pods
  • CreateAllocationForForeignPod()
    • New helper method to build an AllocationRequest

E2E tests

Assumption: no change should be needed for existing tests.

Write a new test case with the following behavior:

  • Create a new pod with PodSpec.SchedulerName being empty
  • Wait until it gets scheduled by the default scheduler
  • Perform a REST query to YuniKorn
  • Retrieve output from the endpoint /ws/v1/partition/default/nodes
  • Verify that:
    • It has allocations and foreignAllocations entries
    • Foreign pod is listed under foreignAllocations


YuniKorn pod updated (node assignment)Update scheduler cacheUpdate scheduler cacheExisting shim behavior doesn’t change (allocation is already in the core)
YuniKorn pod updated (resource usage)Update scheduler cache1. Update scheduler cache
2. Send AllocationRequest
YUNIKORN-1765 will implement this for both YuniKorn and foreign pods
YuniKorn pod deleted1. Remove pod from scheduler cache
2. Notify core
1. Remove pod from scheduler cache
2. Notify core
Existing shim behavior doesn’t change
Foreign pod updated (node assignment)1. Update scheduler cache
2. Send NodeInfo with new OccupiedResources
Send AllocationRequest
Foreign pod updated (resource usage)Update scheduler cache1. Update scheduler cache
2. Send AllocationRequest
YUNIKORN-1765 will implement this for both YuniKorn and foreign pods
Foreign pod deleted1. Update scheduler cache
2. Send NodeInfo with new OccupiedResources
Send AllocationReleasesRequest
Node capacity updated1. Update scheduler cache
2. Send NodeInfo with new OccupiedResources
1. Update scheduler cache
2. Send NodeInfo