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Version: 1.5.2



User information is passed to the core scheduler from the kubernetes shim using the methodology defined here


Access Control Lists are generic for YuniKorn. They can be used in multiple places in YuniKorn. The current use case is limited to queue ACLs.

Access control lists give access to the users and groups that have been specified in the list. They do not provide the possibility to explicitly remove or deny access to the users and groups specified in the list.

If there is no access control list is configured access is denied by default.


The access control list is defined as:

ACL ::= “*” |  userlist [ “ “ grouplist ]
userlist ::= “” | user { “,” user }
grouplist ::= “” | group { “,” group }

This definition specifies a wildcard of * which results in access for everyone.

If the user list is empty and the group list is empty nobody will have access. This deny all ACL has two possible representations:

  • an empty access control list. (implicit)
  • a single space. (explicit)

Example config

Simple examples

An ACL that allows access to just the user sue

  adminacl: sue

Nobody else will get access, this is just for sue. john and bob will be denied access.

An ACL that allows access to the user sue and the members of the group dev.

  adminacl: sue dev

The user sue gets access based on her explicit mention in the user part of the ACL. Even though she is not a member of the group dev. Her group membership is irrelevant.

The user named john whom is a member of the group dev will be allowed access based on his group membership. A third user called bob whom is not mentioned explicitly and is not a member of the dev group will be denied access.

An ACL that allows access to the members of the groups dev and test.

  adminacl: " dev,test"

The ACL must start with a space to indicate that there is no user list. If the ACL is not correctly quoted the space is dropped by the yaml parser. Since the user list is empty none of the users will get access unless they are a member of either the dev or test group.

Looking at the same three users as before: The user sue is not a member of either group and is denied access. The user named john whom is a member of the group dev will be allowed access based on his group membership. bob is not a member of the dev group but is a member of test and will be allowed access.

Escaping and quotation marks

ACLs are currently implemented in the queue configuration which uses a yaml file. This places some limitations on the how to escape the values. Incorrectly quoted values will cause a yaml parse error or could lead to the incorrect interpretation of the value.

The following points need to be taken into account:

  1. The wildcard entry must be quoted in the yaml config.
  2. A simple list of users with or without it being followed by a list of groups does not need quoting but may be quoted.
  3. An ACL without a user list and just one or more groups must be quoted to find the starting space:

Correctly quoted ACL example

- name: default
- name: test
submitacl: "*"
adminacl: sue dev,test
- name: product
submitacl: " product"

Access check

The access check follows the pattern:

  • check if the ACL is the wildcard
  • check if the user is in the user list
  • check if any of the groups the user is a member of is part of the group list

If a check matches the ACL allows access and checking is stopped. If none of the checks match the ACL denies access.

User and Group information

For User & Group resolution, please follow instructions defined here