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Version: 1.5.2

Sorting Policies

The scheduler uses policies allow changing the scheduling behaviour without code changes. Policies can be set for:

Application sorting

The application sorting policy is set for each queue via the config. A sorting policy setting is only effective on a leaf queue. Each leaf queue can use a different policy.

A sorting policy only specifies the order in which the applications are sorted within a queue. That order is crucial in specifying which application is considered first when assigning resources. Sorting policies do not affect the number of applications that are scheduled or active in the queue at the same time. All applications that have pending resource requests can and will be scheduled in a queue unless specifically filtered out. Even when applications are sorted using a first in first out policy multiple applications will run in a queue in parallel.

A parent queue will always use the fair policy to sort the child queues.

The relative priority of child queues (in the case of parent queue sorting) and applications (in the case of leaf queue sorting) will be considered first. To ignore application and queue priorities when scheduling, set the queue property application.sort.priority to disabled.

The following configuration entry sets the application sorting policy to fifo for the queue root.sandbox:

- name: default
- name: root
- name: sandbox
application.sort.policy: fifo

The only applications that are considered during scheduling must have outstanding requests. A filter is applied while sorting the applications to remove all that do not have outstanding requests.


Short description: first in first out, based on application create time

Config value: fifo (default)

Before sorting, the applications are filtered and must have pending resource requests.

After filtering the applications left are sorted based on the application create time stamp only, no other filtering is applied. Since applications can only be added while the system is locked there can never be two applications with the exact same time stamp.

The result is that the oldest application that requests resources gets resources. Younger applications will be given resources when all the current requests of older applications have been fulfilled.


Short description: fair based on usage

Config value: fair

Before sorting the applications are filtered and must have pending resource requests.

After filtering the applications left are sorted based on the application usage. The usage of the application is defined as all confirmed and unconfirmed allocations for the applications. All resources defined on the application will be taken into account when calculating the usage.

The result is that the resources available are spread equally over all applications that request resources.

Node sorting

The node sorting policy is set for a partition via the config. Each partition can use a different policy.

The following configuration entry sets the node sorting policy to fair for the partition default:

- name: default
type: fair


Short description: available resource, descending order
Config value: fair (default)
Sort the list of nodes by the amount of available resources so that the node with the highest amount of available resource is the first in the list. All resources defined on a node will be taken into account when calculating the usage. Resources of the same type are compared for the nodes.

This results in a node with the lowest utilisation to be considered first for assigning new allocation. Resulting in a spread of allocations over all available nodes. Leading to an overall lower utilisation of the individual available nodes, unless the whole environment is highly utilised. Keeping the load on all nodes at a similar level does help In an environment that auto scales by adding new nodes this could trigger unexpected auto scale requests.


Short description: available resource, ascending order
Config value: binpacking
Sort the list of nodes by the amount of available resources so that the node with the lowest amount of available resource is the first in the list. All resources defined on a node will be taken into account when calculating the usage. Resources of the same type are compared for the nodes.

This results in a node with the highest utilisation to be considered first for assigning new allocation. Resulting in a high(er) utilisation of a small(er) number of nodes, better suited for cloud deployments.

Resource weighting

Node sorting policies may use the utilization of a node to determine ordering. Because nodes can have several unique resource types, a node's utilization is determined by a weighted average of its individual resource types. Resource weighting can be customized by using the resourceweights section of nodesortpolicy. If resourceweights is not present or empty, the default configuration sets the weight of both vcore and memory equally to 1.0. All other resource types are ignored. Only resource types explicitly mentioned will have a weight.

YuniKorn tracks CPU resources internally as the vcore resource type. This maps to the Kubernetes resource type cpu. All other resource types have consistent naming between YuniKorn and Kubernetes.

For example, in the default configuration, if a node has 90% of its CPU and 50% of its memory allocated, the node will be considered to be 70% utilized.

The following configuration entry sets the weight of vcore to 4.0 and memory to 1.0 for the partition default. This will weight CPU usage four times higher than memory usage:

- name: default
type: fair
vcore: 4.0
memory: 1.0

With this configuration, In this example, if a node has 90% of its CPU and 50% of its memory allocated, the node will be considered to be 82% utilized.

Note that weights are relative to each other, so specifying weights of { 4.0, 1.0 } is equivalent to { 1.0, 0.25 }. Negative weights are not allowed.

Request sorting

There is currently one policy for sorting requests within an application. This policy is not configurable. Sorting requests is only possible based on the priority of the request. If there are multiple requests within an application that have the same priority the order of the requests is undetermined. This means that the order of requests with the same priority can, and most likely will, change between runs.