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Version: 1.5.2

Run Spark Jobs


This document assumes you have YuniKorn and its admission-controller both installed. Please refer to get started to see how that is done.

Prepare the docker image for Spark

To run Spark on Kubernetes, you'll need the Spark docker images. You can 1) use the docker images provided by the Spark team, or 2) build one from scratch. If you want to build your own Spark docker image, you can find the full instructions in the Spark documentation. Simplified steps:

./build/mvn -Pkubernetes -DskipTests clean package

Recommendation is to use the official images with different spark versions in the dockerhub

Create a namespace for Spark jobs

Create a namespace:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: spark-test

Create service account and role binding

Create service account and role bindings inside the spark-test namespace:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n spark-test -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: spark
namespace: spark-test
kind: Role
name: spark-role
namespace: spark-test
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods"]
verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "create", "delete"]
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["configmaps"]
verbs: ["get", "create", "delete"]
kind: RoleBinding
name: spark-role-binding
namespace: spark-test
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: spark
namespace: spark-test
kind: Role
name: spark-role

Do NOT use ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding to run Spark jobs in production, please configure a more fine-grained security context for running Spark jobs. See more about how to configure proper RBAC rules here.

Submit a Spark job

If this is running from local machine, you will need to start the proxy in order to talk to the api-server.

kubectl proxy

There are official images with different spark versions in the dockerhub Run a simple SparkPi job, this assumes that the Spark binaries are installed locally in the /usr/local directory.

export SPARK_HOME=/usr/local/spark/
${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --master k8s://http://localhost:8001 --deploy-mode cluster --name spark-pi \
--master k8s://http://localhost:8001 --deploy-mode cluster --name spark-pi \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--conf spark.executor.instances=1 \
--conf spark.kubernetes.namespace=spark-test \
--conf spark.kubernetes.executor.request.cores=1 \
--conf \
--conf spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName=spark \

There are more options for setting the driver and executor in the spark. Assigning the applicationId and the queue path are possible.

--conf spark.kubernetes.executor.label.applicationId=application-spark-0001
--conf spark.kubernetes.driver.label.applicationId=application-spark-0001
--conf spark.kubernetes.executor.label.queue=root.default.sandbox
--conf spark.kubernetes.driver.label.queue=root.default.sandbox

You'll see Spark driver and executors been created on Kubernetes:


The spark-pi result is in the driver pod.


What happens behind the scenes?

When the Spark job is submitted to the cluster, the job is submitted to spark-test namespace. The Spark driver pod will be firstly created under this namespace. Since this cluster has YuniKorn admission-controller enabled, when the driver pod get created, the admission-controller mutates the pod's spec and injects schedulerName=yunikorn, by doing this, the default K8s scheduler will skip this pod and it will be scheduled by YuniKorn instead. See how this is done by configuring another scheduler in Kubernetes.

The default configuration has placement rule enabled, which automatically maps the spark-test namespace to a YuniKorn queue root.spark-test. All Spark jobs submitted to this namespace will be automatically submitted to the queue first. To see more about how placement rule works, please see doc placement-rules. By far, the namespace defines the security context of the pods, and the queue determines how the job and pods will be scheduled with considering of job ordering, queue resource fairness, etc. Note, this is the simplest setup, which doesn't enforce the queue capacities. The queue is considered as having unlimited capacity.

YuniKorn reuses the Spark application ID set in label spark-app-selector, and this job is submitted to YuniKorn and being considered as a job. The job is scheduled and running as there is sufficient resources in the cluster. YuniKorn allocates the driver pod to a node, binds the pod and starts all the containers. Once the driver pod gets started, it requests for a bunch of executor pods to run its tasks. Those pods will be created in the same namespace as well and scheduled by YuniKorn as well.